Kapil Dev, the 1983 World Cup-winning captain, refrained from answering about Yograj Singh's comments. The latter said that he once took a pistol to Kapil Dev's house as he intended to put a ...
Yograj Singh, father of former India cricketer Yuvraj Singh, recently made a shocking revelation saying he once went to legendary all-rounder Kapil Dev's house with a pistol to kill him.
Yograj Singh, father of Yuvraj has made a shocking statement in his recent interview with Samdish Bhatia. Speaking on Unfiltered with Samdish, Yograj said that he went to Kapil Dev's home to put a ...
Yuvraj Singh's father Yograj has revealed that he went to Kapil Dev's house to kill him. Yograj said that he took out his pistol wanting to put a bullet through Kapil's head.
Yograj Singh, father of cricketer Yuvraj Singh, revealed he once planned to kill Kapil Dev after being dropped from the Indian team. Yograj claimed he was restrained by Kapil's mother's presence.
NEW DELHI: Known for making controversial remarks, Yograj Singh, father of Yuvraj Singh recently made a shocking revelation, saying he once went to Kapil Dev's house with a pistol to kill him.