Artificial intelligence is a powerful innovation, but without specific and adequate oversight, it can amplify injustices and undermine trust in its models.
Gauteng SAPS arrested four SASSA officials in the province who are believed to be part of a syndicate linked to the theft of more than R260 million from the agency.
Approval of this budget is not merely a political formality but an essential cornerstone for achieving national stability. Implementing government programmes should not be stymied by political ...
In the absence of critical discourse on marriage-class-sexuality, patriarchal relations, i.e. kinship, to a man remain the primary option for accessing resources for women.
Zimbabwe's informal traders are bracing for a showdown with the government after being issued a 48-hour ultimatum to vacate ...
The Death of Scandal
Shocking revelations often used to lead to meaningful governmental reforms. But not in the age of Donald Trump.
A just system would shift away from punishment toward prevention and restorative justice. Community investment in programs, people returning to the community, and accountability are the path to a safe ...