President Arévalo launches "Ring of Fire" operation to combat organized crime, as violence from Mexico's Chiapas state spills into Guatemala.
Guatemala's Department of Defense did not specify the number of military personnel being deployed, but this week, Sáenz told reporters they intend to fight the drug trade and the trafficking of weapons and people.
The twisted group lured migrants from Guatemala for $15,000 to $18,000 and handed them off to smugglers in Mexico who would bring them into the US.
There are few jobs, accommodations or services for immigrants in the southern Mexican city where most have gathered.
To make a direct call to Mexico From Guatemala, you need to follow the international dialing format given below. The dialing format is same for calling Mexico mobile or land line from Guatemala. To call Mexico from Guatemala, dial: 00 - 52 - Area Code ...
Companies made their supply chains stronger and more flexible because of the Covid pandemic. But they weren’t banking on tariffs.
Venezuelan migrants handed over to Mexico like it’s a U.S. immigration detention facility. Families from Central Asia flown to Panama and Costa Rica to await voluntary repatriation to their countries.
The Guatemalan government has announced it is sending military forces to its border with Mexico to prevent “transnational crime and for the protection of its own citizens.” Guatemala Minister ...