The UK’s minister of state for science, research and innovation has confirmed that the government will use the forthcoming Spending Review to address ageing IT systems and make investments in ...
Judith Collins, the new public service minister in New Zealand, has called on public servants to “say yes” to help drive ...
Permanent secretaries in the UK civil service should be given formal mandates to share data for the public good, according to a new study by PA Consulting in partnership with the Office for National ...
Cloud computing offers numerous benefits – but governments must ensure that its use is effective in providing rapid, secure, and stable access to digital services. At the Global Government Digital ...
In a UN Women article, Zinnya del Villan, director of technology, data & innovation at the Data-Pop Alliance and a leading expert in responsible AI, explained how artificial intelligence reinforces ...
Separate studies predict that the AI industry will consume the same amount of energy as the Netherlands by 2027, and that by 2030, over 20% of all electricity produced in the US will be feeding the US ...
The report recommends that Brazil develop a framework to define and measure the public value of procurement to incentivise ...
In September, New Zealand published its Action Plan for the Digital Strategy for Aotearoa (the Māori-language name for New ...
Public service leaders should articulate risk appetite, harness the potential of new technologies and develop a culture of ...