What happens when you put together a group of super achievers who are accustomed to being the best into a new environment ...
A large longitudinal study of romantic relationships found that relationship satisfaction tends to decline over time, but the ...
CMMI can encourage the spread of better practices by launching cycles of testing and learning that seek to evaluate temporary ...
Increased funding and new public health policies for sickle cell research are needed to ease the burden on low-income nations ...
Positive attitudes toward school and access to dual-language immersion programs are associated with better academic ...
Two recent studies by the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) found drivers are more likely to multi-task with ...
As a former athletic trainer for the Detroit Lions and Sporting Kansas City, Kawata is an expert on sports performance and ...
1) First, having social connections is better for our health and well-being—and loneliness kills. 2) Second, having ...
Highly religious women — especially those who practice their faith at home — are more likely to find meaning, happiness and ...
Screens have become ubiquitous in our daily lives—which means they've also become part of children's lives too. So what effect does this have on children's developing brains, especially critical ...
The new findings could help psychiatrists use brain scans to assess how patients might respond to behavioral interventions ...
Patients who initiated treatment for opioid use disorder through a telehealth mobile app stayed with treatment at a greater ...