The Very Large Telescope in northern Chile imaged a "super-Jupiter" exoplanet called 2M1207b, precisely 20 years ago this week. This was the first direct visual confirmation of a world beyond our ...
Scientists have discovered that a distant "hot Jupiter" world has a planetary companion. The two planets are locked in a ...
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Our universe is always being explored, and a recent discovery was made about the catchily named exoplanet HD 189733 b. This particular planet, dubbed a "hot Jupiter," stinks like rotten eggs due ...
As much as 95% of an exoplanet's water could be trapped forever deep inside its iron core, transforming what we thought we knew about water worlds and potentially rendering them even more ...
For years, scientists have speculated about the nature of water on exoplanets, especially on super-Earths and sub-Neptunes — ...
Martínez-Rodríguez, Héctor Caballero, José Antonio Cifuentes, Carlos Piro, Anthony L. and Barnes, Rory 2019. Exomoons in the Habitable Zones of M Dwarfs. The ...
Exoplanets are often discovered using the transit method (more than three-quarters of those discovered have been found this way.) The same transit technique can be used to study them, often ...
Using physics-informed neural networks (PINNs), they have managed to model the complex light scattering in the atmospheres of exoplanets with greater precision than has previously been possible.
"We detected another planet even closer to the star that interacts strongly with its big neighbor, causing their orbits to wobble in ways we've never seen before." Scientists have discovered that ...
Relationship between Luminosity, Irradiance and Temperature of star on the orbital parameters of exoplanets. EPJ Web of Conferences, Vol. 48, Issue. , p. 00019. Iorio, L 2013. A uniform treatment of ...
First discovered just last year using NASA's exoplanet-hunting spacecraft, TESS (Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite), TOI-1408 b is a gas giant planet that is over twice the width of Jupiter ...