SpaceX's new Marslink: high-speed internet connectivity from Mars to Earth, Elon Musk says 'this is just a very basic first ...
SpaceX will create Marslink as a first step towards greater than petabit per second communication between Earth and Mars.
New research suggests that about 3.6 billion years ago, Mars featured vast water flows and a lake rivaling the size of the ...
Dangerous radiation reaches Mars at levels we aren't exposed to on Earth, which makes the Red Planet a particularly dangerous ...
Mars is tantalizingly similar to Earth in many ways, but especially in its surface features, which often resemble Earth ...
China has moved up its timeline for bringing Mars samples to Earth, aiming to do so as early as 2028 — long before the U.S.
A signal beamed at Earth from Mars in 2023 has finally been decoded by a father and daughter team in the United States.
Researchers are particularly interested in understanding whether Mars was habitable, and if so, during what period.
After spending three months in one of the driest places in the world, writer Mark Johanson is eager to return.
But scientists don’t yet have answers to the most basic questions about clouds on Mars: What are the daily, seasonal and ...