Dwain Chambers' suspect muscles passed the sternest ... Baldock, who picked up a relay gold in Manchester, was eliminated after drawing the outside lane and running out of steam.
Olympic sprinter Dwain Chambers faces more problems as a resultof ... The baton, which begins its relay journey at Buckingham Palace in London in November, will be carried through all 71 member ...
So fancy becoming as fast as someone like Britain's top sprinter Dwain Chambers? Dwain was quite a late starter to athletics but since his teenage years he's been flying out of the blocks. And we've ...
Dwain Chambers, the continent's fastest 100m man this year, ripped the opposition apart when scoring the first British victory of the final. The 1999 champion in Paris, Chambers scorched down the ...
Dwain Chambers is mounting a comeback for a career sidelined by a two-year suspension. (Getty Images)(ATR) IOC President Jacques Rogge says drug-cheat Dwain Chambers is not welcome to compete in ...