There is no reality check like telling someone the same story twice and not realizing it until they stop you midway. When ...
Will solving Sudoku help stave off Alzheimer's? It makes sense in theory, but there are many variables and results are almost ...
Discover how video games may enhance cognitive function more than exercise challenging long-held beliefs about brain health ...
Combining brain games with short bouts of exercise may provide greater cognitive and physical benefits than performing either ...
which asked them to complete a lifestyle survey followed by Creyos online brain games that accurately measure different aspects of cognition, such as memory, attention, reasoning and verbal abilities.
Western researchers have found playing video games may increase cognitive ability, while physical activity may improve mental ...
Owen said: “I was surprised that video games improved cognition, whereas regular exercise did not, in part because we have shown conclusively in the past that computerised ‘brain training ...
A new preprint study, which has not yet been peer-reviewed, has suggested that playing video games is associated with better cognitive abilities, but does not appear to affect measures of mental ...
Can digital reminders do more for our ability to remember to do things in the future than brain games? Researchers explain why they can.
Prof Owen said previous studies had shown that brain training games do not improve cognitive function and that the mental benefits could be a result of the intense nature of many popular modern games.