Millions of children have no access to education, work long hours under hazardous conditions, or have their safety and futures threatened by armed conflict. They suffer targeted attacks on their ...
These 10 titles will help children of all ages navigate the anxiety, awkwardness and opportunities for growth that come with being the new kid. Anxiety, making new friends, learning to share ...
Over 100 years ago, Save the Children’s pioneering founder established that children have rights. Today and every day, thanks to our supporters, we are advocates for the rights of 2.3 billion children ...
On lifeguard duty, you can feel suddenly watched by an imaginary adult version of the child in the pool and wonder, How much of that grownup already exists, and how much has yet to arrive?
Children may have very different personalities, and different strengths and weaknesses, than the generation that preceded them. Caregivers should pay attention to their children's distinct traits ...
Researchers have been looking at how children from single-parent and two-parent families fare in life. So what did they find? Family life is more richly varied than ever before. A growing ...
Children worry, and they feel alone with their worries. Early on, they worry about shadows, ghosts, and monsters or imaginary creatures under the bed or in the closet. They worry about fires and ...
Medical conditions and other factors can affect a child's growth. Estimates are less accurate when parent heights are far from average and for children who are short for their age. Talk to your ...
While Law prefers to keep his younger children out of the spotlight, his adult children with Frost are starting to follow in their famous parents' acting footsteps. "I don't think they felt ...
Sep. 11, 2024 — A technology which uses harmless light waves to measure activity in babies' brains has provided the most complete picture to date of brain functions like hearing, vision and ...
Our founder Eglantyne Jebb saw children dying of starvation and wracked with disease after the end of the First World War. So, in 1919, she launched the Save the Children Fund to raise much-needed ...
Children's Behavioral Problems Are Linked to Higher Hair Cortisol Levels Sep. 3, 2024 — In a study involving 11-year-olds, researchers have concluded that greater behavioral problems are linked ...